Keys To Making It Through A Veterinary Internship

An important stage of becoming a veterinarian is going through an internship. This allows you to learn practical skills that you'll take with you into your veterinary career. If you want to get through this type of program, remember this key advice: Go in with a Love for Animals You are going to have to overcome some challenges in this internship, whether it's getting used to giving medication to pets or seeing animals in a vulnerable position.

When Do Respiratory Symptoms Warrant A Prompt Trip To The Vet Hospital?

If your cat or dog is displaying respiratory symptoms like sneezing or occasional coughing, you can often call the vet and make an appointment for a few days in the future. But sometimes, respiratory symptoms are more serious and do require more urgent care at a vet hospital or veterinary emergency center. So what are the signs that your dog or cat can't wait? Take a look. Coughing Up Blood

Things To Think About When Selecting A Cat Boarding Facility

Traveling as a cat owner means finding somewhere to board your kitties. Even if you've avoided having to leave your cats in someone else's care up to now, it's important that you know how to choose a boarding facility when you need one. Here's a look at some of the things that you need to know when you are considering boarding options for your cats. Consider The Health Requirements One of the biggest challenges with animal boarding is the risk of disease exposure.

What To Do If Your Cat Has Bad Gas

Having a litter box smell permeate your home is bad enough, but a cat that's experiencing flatulence can be nauseating to deal with. If your cat has chronically bad gas, check out these tips on how to combat it. Change Diet — Gradually Some cats have bad reactions to certain types of cat foods, especially inexpensive ones. Inexpensive cat food often uses filler and lower-quality meat samples that can upset a cat's stomach and lead to gas.

3 Pivotal Tips When Buying A Puppy For The First Time

One of the most joyous moments in anyone's life is taking home a puppy. They're so full of love and give you the chance to create long-lasting memories. If you want to ensure this selection works out in your favor, remember these tips.  Decide On a Breed Probably the most important decision you'll need to make when getting a puppy is picking a breed. There are a lot of great options, but you need to look for something that's easy to train and bond with.